You may have heard of a MOOC. But just in case you haven’t, it stands for Massive Open Online Course and it is a free course of education, often offered by some of the world’s top universities. Studying a MOOC can help you in many ways to become more employable. But with thousands of subjects …
The first question a career or job coach will ask their client after their job interview is “Did you send your thank-you letter yet? Unfortunately, the answer is usually no. Most people don’t realize that it is necessary to thank the employer for the interview. A simple “thank-you” can make the difference for you in …
Whether you’re just entering the professional workforce or you’ve recently been laid off, finding your way into the job market can be a challenging task. It may be that you don’t have much experience other than your education, or just not the access you need in this competitive environment. An often misunderstood and undervalued entry …
While in many ways you may be thrilled that your service in the military has been completed and you finally get to come home to your friends and family, it can be a pretty sudden and difficult transition to the civilian world. While in the military, your life is structured for you, duties doled out …
When you are looking for a job, you need to think of yourself as a product or service that you want as many people as possible to know about. The only way to do this is to learn how to properly market yourself. Every interaction you make from the start of your job hunt until …
You might have opted to work as a “temp” simply because the job market is so limited. You may have hoped to enter one company as a temp, specifically in order to get a shot at a full time position within their ranks. Either way, when you realize that you want to convert a temporary …
The purpose of your resume is to highlight your past work history and accomplishments. Keep it professional and omit any content of an overly personal nature. Each word and sentence needs to be carefully thought out so that you make a great first impression.[sam id=1 codes=’true’]Most recruiters and hiring managers only peruse your resume for …